Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year...

Oliver's first New Year's Eve was very uneventful. He was asleep before 8, and I was out by 10:30. We sure know how to party around here! :)

Anyway... I'm actually here to complain about the doctor's appointment we had the other day. It was Oliver's 9 month check-up, and should have been a fairly routine event. Go in, weigh baby, check height, make sure he's functioning as a baby should, etc. All that went fine. My kid is 28 inches tall and 20lbs. Not too bad... he looks chubbier than he is. The doctor said something that absolutely infuriated me, though. He said that babies need to be weened at 1. That is the most absurd thing any so-called medical professional has EVER said to me. My kid is breastfed and I have every intention of continuing to breastfeed him for as long as he wants...within reason of course...but I don't even plan to consider weening until he's 2. If he'd just said this to me, fine. I'd have made future appointments with a different doc and that'd be that. Unfortunately, he said this in front of he-who-must-not-be-named, who will probably try to use it against me in court. He's always been against breastfeeding and it seems that the courts are also against it here in the lovely state of Arizona. Needless to say, I'll be getting quite a few more opinions on the topic and refusing to stop breastfeeding. I fear that the courts will attempt to force me to stop by adjusting visits in a way that would make it difficult or even impossible to continue, and I sincerely hope that they don't... I wouldn't be a politically correct move, right? That's enough of that, though. Any time I think of him or courts I get angry and depressed. There is no consideration for the needs of children anymore... it's all a game of politics and children are divided like bank accounts and couches. I wanted so much more for my son than this.

Speaking of Arizona... gotta love these Arizona winters! The day before xmas eve we ran over to Sierra Vista to see the snow :) If it weren't for the climate (and my friends and family) I wouldn't know what the hell I'm doing in such a red state.

And another odd point here... I mentioned my son's size... that's the 40th percentile for both height and weight. That means he's small. He's 9 months old and wears 12 or 18 month clothes. I'm baffled by this. Were babies just much, much smaller in the past and they've never updated the sizes? People always ask if Oliver is 12 or 18 months old...but to me, he doesn't seem very big at all. Is my son small because the percentiles have changed to accommodate the societal norms? Morbid obesity is the American way...yet my son isn't a therefore, he's small. Sometimes I really think the numbers they give me and the things they say about 'em are completely random. Oooh how I prefer the WIC check-ups: short and sweet.

I should probably keep this short, too... since it's not particularly sweet :)

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