Thursday, January 21, 2010

A First for the Books...

Oliver took a step today. We'd gone to visit grandma's classroom (grandma is a high school teacher) and she stepped out for a few minutes. Oliver and I were hanging out by some book shelves...and he did it. A completely, totally, unsupported, un-helped-along step. I was immediately overcome by two emotions - pride... and fear. My little one is not yet 10 months old, though I knew this day was coming. A 28 1/4 inch tall human looks absolutely silly walking around. Luckily it was just that one step and all the rest of his walking takes place along side a piece of furniture or a wall or with both of his little hands in my hands.

It's really not like I've had the ability to sit for more than a few minutes at a time since he started crawling, but now I feel the freedom of sitting will be even more a luxury of the past. I remember when he was born everyone was telling me to sleep when he sleeps... and now I wonder what the good in that would be. If I napped with him every time he napped (which I would LOVE), when would I get stuff done?? I think moms aren't meant to rest.

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