Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the new seasons

I can't believe that I completely forgot to talk about the TV boyfriends.  I've sort of gotten addicted to watching a LOT of shows...which I guess is what happens when you have a little one who goes to sleep early and nothing else to do after he's asleep.

Monday night started with House (no TV boyfriend there...but Hugh Laurie is a pretty spectacular actor).  The episode was actually pretty weak.  The entire last season was I can't say that I was really expecting it to be amazing.  BUT!  Monday night continued with Gossip Girl.  I'm sure that some people who know me would be sort of confused by the fact that I'm so addicted to such a show...but I am...and I have no good excuse.  Or, well... My excuse is Chuck Bass.  He's my Monday night man.  The season actually started last week, so I've now had two episodes that have been at least somewhat about him to satisfy my cravings.  Gossip Girl is not disappointing at far.  There's plenty of those of us who completely lack real-life drama have our needs met.  And c'mon...he's Chuck Bass.  So...that was Monday.

On Tuesday there is no TV boyfriend... But there is Glee.  I was sadly disappointed with the premier episode :\  Last season was really great...maybe they're losing steam.  Oh well.  After Glee, I was too lazy to change the channel, so I watched Raising Hope and whatever the show after that was called.  Raising Hope was absolutely terrible in all the right ways.  I was properly offended more than once.  There was all kinds of stupidity, a really cute baby, and a senile old lady.  I'm not sure why I can tolerate morons on TV so well, but I just want to stab them with sporks or run them over in real life (misplaced footnote...kneenote?...I'm a pacifist.  I usually just stare blankly and later mourn the loss of my brain cells...).  It was pretty great... I might watch it again.  The next show was just terrible.  It was supposed to be funny, but it wasn't.  Oh well.  That's probably why I don't remember what it was called.

Wednesday is a pretty great night for TV.  The only show I've been addicted to since before Oliver was born is Criminal Minds.  I suppose it's also safe to say that I've also been addicted to Dr. Spencer Reid for quite some time (and also Matthew Grey Gubbler).  He's a rare one...because I actually think the real guy is pretty interesting, too.  Most of the time, TV personalities lack real life personalities.  It's because of that that I primarily watched cartoons until recently.  Anyway...Criminal Minds started off strong this season.  The finale to the cliffhanger from last season reminded me just how creepy Tim Curry is.  Seriously, I know he's just an actor and he's probably a pleasant-enough guy, but if I bumped into him anywhere after dark, I'd scream and run away.  The episode was beautifully done...and sad.  My only complaint is that there was not nearly enough Spencer.  We need more Spencer-focused episodes. week's episode is gonna be horrible, though...unless there's going to be a catch that'll keep the team together.

I'm really looking forward to Thursday...maybe I'll write something about Booth, Sweets, and Peter...after watching.

My kid just woke up... soooo that's it for me. :)

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