Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pet Peeves...

Yes, I do realize that this blog is quickly turning into a dumping ground for my complaints about society.  No, I do not care.  

Today I have had just about enough of everything.  

By 9AM I was completely emotionally exhausted.  For the first time, Oliver REALLY did not want to go with his father.  He's teething, and his father showed up with some other car, but he's been teething before and he's been in that car before.  It was really hard to see him so upset over something...especially when it's never been like this.  It took 40 minutes and both of us trying just to get him into his carseat.  As soon as I walked away, I started crying... I just can't stand to see him so upset.  I do not want this to be a new thing.  While it's never easy to let him go, it's so much easier when he wants to go.  

< rant >

I think that it was because I was already emotionally done that the rest of the day has been so frustrating.  I understand that community college is not the same as university.  Really.  I just don't feel good about my classes.  It really is the best (only) option to avoid repayment of loans.  I've been honest about my reasoning.  I knew going into this that I probably would not enjoy this semester.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize just how much I would loathe logging in and looking at posts and reading... and especially how much I would despise my classmates.  Not all...but most.  When looking through the discussions, I realize that many of these people just do not belong in college.  It isn't as if much is asked of us... How is one fragment sentence considered appropriate?  All we have to write is 100 words.  Why do I care?  Because my grade depends in part on responding to these people.  I cannot simply respond that they need to read the syllabus... or be smarter... no matter how much I'd like to do just that.  Ugh.  Anyway... It's mostly the early childhood development class that's got me down in this respect.  My literature class seems to be full of at least semi-literate individuals.  They don't make me want to gouge my eyes out...that's what the text is for!  Seriously, I KNEW I didn't like American for all my years of higher education, I've avoided it completely.  I fell asleep 3 times trying to read less than 10 pages.  It's truly awful material.  I was unable to do the homework because I have yet to feel anything for either topic.  Oh well.

I think this is where the pet peeves are going to come in.  This does not apply solely to my classes... my current tolerance level is significantly lower than usual and I am noticing 'mistakes' more often than I'd like.  The best possible remedy is for everyone to stop making mistakes.  I must stress that what follows is only the most basic introduction to all the things that drive me insane...and my list of pet peeves varies depending on where you happen to be writing.  

1.  This is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing that you will ever EVER need to know when typing anything that might ever be read by another person (especially if that person is me): A (space) LOT.  No matter how many times you've seen it, 'alot' is not a word.  It is two separate words.  Please grant them their individuality!
2.  I'd like to introduce you to a few words: there, their, and they're.  Now I'm going to use them correctly, in hopes that you will do the same!
a.  There are a lot of douchebags in here.  OR  The prison entrance is located over there.  (these should be obvious)
b.  Their child looks like a gnome.  (their, meaning it belongs to them...)
c.  They're all going to laugh at you.  (they're combines they and are)
3.  Here are some more: your and you're.  Same drill here...
a.  Is that your blood?  (in this case, your is possessive...meaning...does that blood belong to you?)
b.  You're a moron.  (combination of you and are)
4.  And here are two more: to and too.
a.  I would like to leave.  (there are a million ways to explain this tiny word, so just go here:
b.  I, too, believe that the three-toed sloth is the cutest animal in the whole world.  ( addition...etc...).
5.  Adding an s to the end of a word does not mean that you must also add an apostrophe.  See example:


< /rant >

I think I feel better now...even though True Blood was pretty disappointing tonight.

I have 2 ideas that need to be made into blogs, and if I get around to creating them, I'll post links here... or on facebook.


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