Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bleh. I have dislikes.

Wanna know how to make me really upset??  Turn off my AC, drop me from my classes because I haven't paid (when I would have...had I not been charged out of state tuition), fail to return phone calls, claim my paperwork never arrived, force me to RE-SEND paperwork, and don't answer the phone when I call to confirm receipt...And be sure to do this on what will at some point be day 1 of my period.

Today has been positively blissful.

There's one day each month when I seriously wonder why I need/want more kids...because I really don't want my uterus.  It's this painful sack of uselessness, hanging out in my guts, completely unoccupied.  It angrily sheds its lining...and as a result, I get to spend a day curled up in a ball wishing for menopause.  Then I remember my reasoning...I'm too smart to have just one kid.  Those who should not be breeding are those who do it most (crackheads...teenagers...morons...super-religious-freaks)...which means there are far too many unwanted, uncared-for, little zealots with limited potential running around.  There is no nature vs. takes both.  My children are genetically predisposed to be intelligent and healthy.  Due to my parenting style and personal belief system, my kids will be open-minded, genuine, loving, and independent.  People like me (and I don't mean to sound like a narcissist, but what I really mean is intelligent people with more than a high school education...particularly those who have a graduate degree or beyond) typically do not procreate.  We wait.  We wait until the timing is right...we try to find the perfect genetic match...we want to have a certain amount of investment property or just the right SUV.  Or we have one trophy child who grows up to be completely neurotic.  I know I'm over-thinking it...I really am just trying to justify my love of new baby scent.  AND at the same time, I'm gonna do my part to ensure Idiocracy doesn't become a reality.

But... the AC is kid is adorable...and we're going for a walk in a bit.  I guess things aren't THAT bad.

Or not...Oliver just learned how to open his crayons...or, well...MY crayons.  I anticipate a mess in the next few minutes.  :)

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