Sunday, June 27, 2010

A day in the life of...

I was awoken very abruptly this morning...not by the usual whacks in the head from Oliver, but by screaming. As that has never happened before, I was sort of scared. Screaming and fear are not good ways to wake up. Oliver was awake and sitting beside me, sort of dazed still. I shook off the sleep and realized that my mom was screaming at a cat out in the carport. Our cat. Who had just killed a baby bunny. I had quite a few thoughts about that... first, I hoped that the corpse would be gone before we got out there. I didn't want Oliver to try to play with it, y'know? I also wondered why the cat never killed anything that should be killed. She doesn't kill spiders. She doesn't kill sun scorpions. She doesn't kill mice...except the one kangaroo mouse last summer... that she found somewhere outside and BROUGHT INSIDE. The only positive thing I could come up with is that, at least this baby bunny wasn't someone's the last one. I wondered about the situation from the cat's perspective, too. I bet she feels pretty upset at the way her gifts are interpreted... how she is yelled at and punished for headless lizards and random bits and pieces of unknown furry animals...and how the gifts are unceremoniously sopped up in paper towels and Walmart bags and tossed in the trash.

I never saw the bunny. Evidently it screamed :(

There was also this dream induced funk that I had some trouble shaking for about half of the morning. I had considerably more morning than usual, though, so it did happen. I hate it when I know I was dreaming something absolutely horrible but don't remember what... and the icky feelings from it hang on after I wake up. It's much more difficult to reconcile something like that if you don't have any memory of how the feeling came about.

So...I cleaned. For a while. I removed cat-hair covered stuff and swept up cat hair and vacuumed cat hair. Oliver really tried to help...he followed me around with his swiffer :) The house looked decent by 9:30. I don't recall much else until our shopping trip.

FINALLY, after weeks of waiting...and wishing at least one local store would come through, I got the Huggies jean diapers.
Seeing that Amazon link makes me think I should have just ordered them a couple weeks ago, because that's a much MUCH better price. The diapers are pretty cute! They smell a little more like plastic/chemicals than Huggies Snug & Dry, which is what we usually get because they have almost no smell. For the first few months, we used Pampers Sensitive Swaddlers. Once Oliver outgrew the Swaddlers, we had to switch to Huggies because I couldn't stand the smell of any of the other Pampers diapers. We got one box of Luvs...I don't know whatever happened to them. We used one, but the smell was so overwhelming that I just couldn't put another one on my kid... such a shame, too, because they're a lot less expensive. I haven't tried the Walmart or Safeway brands...or any other store brands. So anyway... jean diapers seem pretty decent. I might order another box online. :)  Here's my boy, passed out on the couch in his *designer* diaper.

True Blood just started. I'm having real difficulties with this and Twilight right now. With Eclipse coming out in a couple days, I've watched both movies again this week. Because I've been watching/read True Blood, I've been having trouble keeping the stories straight. They're pretty much the same... There are vampires and werewolves. The star vampire looks pained. The girl dating the star vampire is a moron. Someone can read minds. There's some violence. The only real difference is the sex. True Blood is a free-for-all...Twilight is all about tension. Eric is hot, though. I liked Bill at first, but he's just too dumb. And Jacob is hot in the movie, but so annoying in the books. Ugh. Are all vampire stories full of morons??


Oliver has learned to pretend quite well :)  He can prepare a meal and serve or eat it...and drink pretend drinks.  :)  It's very cute!  He's just such a smart little boy...I swear he's learning new stuff every couple seconds.  He doesn't yet try to feed his stuffed animals...he'll hug his bubba bear and give him to me.  When I was little (not quite so little as Oliver), I thought my stuffed animals were I put them right up close to the heater.  They burned.  Somewhere I have a little stuffed sheep with a burnt butt.  I would love for my son to have that much compassion, but would also like for him to have the foresight to avoid burning his toys.  :)

Oliver also used his potty again today :)  He's such a good boy!!!  :)

It's getting kind of difficult to focus on writing while watching True Blood...soooo I'm gonna stop.


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