Sunday, July 4, 2010

Decaf Thoughts...

Today I've rescued a bunny and realized that my breasts make me feel like a liar.  What a way to start a day, right?

The bunny was being tortured by my cat... it was a tiny little bunny, probably just a couple weeks old.  I got the cat away, and threw her into the house.  Then I trapped the bunny and carried it off into the desert.  I checked it out as well as I could, and it wasn't too broken up on the outside.  There was on little (looking) gash on its neck, but I don't know how deep it went.  The poor thing was shaking and terrified, though...and I don't know the extent of the internal damage.  It hopped off into the mesquite just fine, but that means very little.  I'm fairly sure that it won't survive... but its chances out there are far better than any chance it'd have in the house, despite any injuries.  Ugh.  I'm so mad at that cat... and I know it's instinct making her go after fuzzy cute things... but still.  Both neighbors have chihuahuas and I'd be fine with those being brunch.

And now, to lighten the mood...I'll talk about my boobs.  The other day I mentioned to a friend that the guys who shop at Safeway are much better looking than those who shop at Walmart.  Just a few minutes ago I was trying to decide on a movie, but figured that I'd just watch Eclipse again because it's full of pretty least that won't disappoint me.  So, that same friend said I should just go hang out at Safeway.  I don't think that's too bad of an idea.  I haven't pumped yet, so I'm very full of milk...making me deceptively well-endowed.  I wouldn't have to bother with a shower or anything else if I wore something low-cut...because no one would notice anything else.  But, then I realize how much of a liar that makes me.  Technically, these are my boobs.  They're not fake...but they are loaners.  Once Oliver is done with them, they'll probably go back to what they were before...which really wasn't much.  :|  Or perhaps I should feel less like a liar and instead use it because I know I WILL lose it.

I had so much to talk about a couple hours ago when I started writing this, and now I lack the motivation to write anything.  <3

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