Monday, June 21, 2010

Things I Forget.

At the top of the list of things I tend to forget - this blog! The prize?? This entry!!! WOO!!! It's shiny and new :)

So...I probably have a billion things to bitch about, but how about I start with a victory dance instead?? My son, who is not yet 15 months old, has successfully gone peepee in his potty!!! It happened Saturday evening (the 19th). I was so excited that he got scared... which I hope does not lead to anything along the lines of, "I do that, mommy freaks out...never do that again!" Then he stuck his hands in the it was time to get off the potty. He then tried to dump his potty on the floor. We then left the room for a 'potty favor'...meaning an M&M...and he was very happy. I don't think that he was as happy as I was, but...someday :) We'd only been actively trying out the potty for 2 days at this point. Before, he'd sit on it occasionally... he'd stand on it... he'd drag it out of the bathroom. He also talked to all the potties on the shelf in Walmart that looked like his (here's his potty, btw. He LOVES it)
There is only one thing about this potty that I don't really like... it is tall. My kid has figured out how to get onto it, but has a bit of trouble getting off of it without taking the whole bowl with him. It seems this was developed with taller, older children in mind. Oh well. I refuse to have a 4yr old in a diaper. That shit's just not happening (quite literally).

In other news... what is up with this job market?? I had anticipated being able to find a job within a month of graduation. It has been a month and 2 weeks, and I have had nothing but nothing. I've received a few, "We're sorry but other candidates...blah blah blah" emails... and not a single phone call. While searching for jobs, I see that there are probably 100 listings for various kinds of engineers and just as many for RNs and physical therapists. I occasionally wonder why I didn't choose one of those as my profession, but then remember that I don't appreciate the stress that accompanies math... nor do I possess the compassion necessary to be vomited on by strangers. I look around and see the welfare moms doing better than me financially...and wonder why I didn't choose dirty crackwhore as a profession. I'd like to think the reasons are fairly obvious... but still, those dirty crackwhores don't owe Sallie Mae anything. There's gotta be something out there for someone with a master's in library science who isn't able to move anywhere. :| I really hate that someone else dictates the success or failure of my family.

What it really comes down to, though, is doing something more just to get an interview. I'm fun in interviews... I think. It seems that most employers are also not entirely sure what it is that a librarian I doubt I'm being given fair consideration. They figure I know how to read and put books on shelves. :| Anyway, once I get a job of some sort... I'm going back to school. Yep. I just can't keep away. I've decided against law school, though. I'd hate to have to compromise my morals, and I know that's a profession for the immoral, the heartless, and the greedy. I've decided on network administration certification. 30 credits. I can do 30 credits... I've already done like...200?? I dunno. I'm a big fan of perpetual learning...which should be fairly obvious since this is the first time in 25 years that I haven't been enrolled in some kind of school.

I feel the dumbening cloud settling in...

Anyway... my kid will be home any minute and I need to prepare myself!!! :)

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