This monsoon season is all about the wait. It gets dark and cloudy all of a gets unbearably humid...there's thunder and lightning... the temperature drops 10 degrees in a matter of minutes... but then it's gone as fast as it arrived, leaving the ground completely dry. Leaving me dissatisfied. Swimming lessons were cancelled last week, due to the weather, but no rain came. The only REALLY substantial rain we've had was on the 4th of July (like always). It was pretty awesome :) I just want that every day. It's not too much to ask, really...
Like, right now I can hear thunder. I've heard thunder on and off since this morning. No rain, though. I don't even want to get my hopes up for any lounging on the back porch in rain.
It reminds me of a bad kiss after an amazing first date. All the electricity builds up...the excitement...only to be left with nothing. Worse than nothing, really. Disappointment is so much worse than nothing.
Anyway... I haven't been reading much. I've been trying, but nothing's caught my attention. I have 2 more books sitting by the couch that I may or may not start today. One is the "companion book" to The Forest of Hands and Teeth. While I didn't much care for that, I'm bored and really willing to give most anything a try. I have read one thing that I've liked...just finished a little bit ago, actually.

This book was pretty depressing...but also pretty good. I'd read a bit about it before checking it out, and was actually more interested in the author's other book, but I take what I can get. This book felt intentionally unfinished...and when I had about 20 pages left to go, I started worrying that it was part of a series. I didn't realize until the end, and after checking online to confirm my suspicions, that I was reading book one of a trilogy. One that won't be completed until February of 2013. At least Pandemonium is worth the wait.
And as I look to the right, there's another reminder of a book that I've been wanting to read for a while. Those of you who have Amazon Associates know about the product search/list...the groupings of like products... and there's Divergent.

It's actually at the top of my list now. And thanks to the Amazon thing, I may wait a while... because it's called Divergent (Divergent Trilogy)...and it just came out.
Dystopia really is
in right now... and I'm so glad. :)
Anyway... other than mothering, reading, and the perpetual job hunt, I've been working on laying out my own novel ideas. I currently have 2 that are fighting inside me...they want to be one, but can't. They're completely unrelated, and it's sad because they're both rather unique. In one, I've managed a simple way into another world and back again...That's the easy story. The easy trilogy. The one I have an ending to least to the first gets a little complicated after that. The other is a story within a story...about maps, mostly...and it's mostly surreal. I just need to create some 'world' for it to exist in...just one. I've already written a part of its end...or maybe beginning. I've got Rumi to thank for that...odd, right? Poetry really pisses me off most of the time.
I've also been putting together a shop on etsy... it's not up and running because I'd like to get it all online at once, and for that I need planning :) I'll be doing tarot readings and astrology charts, individual or relationship-related things. I figure with 16 years of tarot and at least 10 of astrology, I may as well turn hobbies into something that generates an income. Besides, I'm not creepy. I don't look like what you'd expect a tarot reader to look like...nor do I act all mystical...or spooky. Maybe that'll be a comfort for people who are curious, but who also think 'psychics' are creepy and weird. (and for the record, I don't even believe in psychics...)
I wish it would rain.
Maybe I'll do a rain dance. Or a rain mile-run on my stepper while listening to Pink...or watching Harry Potter.
Speaking of Harry Potter... I can't believe it's almost over. Granted, I didn't become aware of HP until 9 or 10 years ago, I still can't really remember a time when the series wasn't important to me. The first 5 movies were on tv this weekend, and I watched them all. It was unbelievably bittersweet. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all so little and cute when this started...still so innocent. I (stupidly) read an interview with spoilers the other day...I didn't realize they were going to do the epilogue. That was what sealed my decision to watch online before going to the theater. I won't make it through the first few notes of Hedwig's Theme withing dissolving into a sobbing mess...but I wasn't even able to say Albus Severus for months after reading the book without getting teary. Before finding out about the epilogue, Snape would have been the worst of it...well, that and Harry going out to the forest. Or the train station... Or Tonks and Lupin... seriously there's just no way I could see this in public. I've gotten all teary-eyed just thinking about it now. I do HAVE to see it in the theater, though. Eventually. When I can make it with as few tears as I can wear contacts and 3D glasses. :) Dear Russia, dear Sweden...move swiftly this week... :)
I really want rain. And coffee.... so I'm gonna go take care of the one of those things over which I have some control.