So, my semester has ended and I have mixed feelings. I absolutely despise my lack of commitment and contribution to the previous months...not because I genuinely loved the material, but because those few months cost me around $10,000... and that's before interest. I feel that I need a constant reminder as to why I found it so necessary to seek this master's degree in the first place. I guess it works out, to some extent, because I'm home with my boy and that's really the only place I want to be.
Speaking of which, I'd like to come up with a way to be home with my boy permanently. I'd like to work from home... to hell with the 9 to 5! :) I can have dreams, right. Maybe I'll be a writer... I checked out a couple books on children's book writing and illustrating from the library the other night. They seem a little old, which, considering the state of the local library, is not at all surprising. I hope they still have some decent information.

We sort of put up the Christmas tree the other day... so far we've managed to get one strand of lights onto it. Oliver seems completely indifferent. He also seems to have no real understanding of gifts. He crawls on the giant wrapped Little Tikes Cozy Coupe car, the numerous smaller packages of clothes, little toys, books, and the two sets of Mega Bloks.

He got his cage already, and he's not a big fan of it. Six grayish plastic sides of baby-containing far as I'm concerned. Not sure what I'm talking about? Go here: North States Superyard XT Gate Play Yard. There really was no other choice... this was a necessary product. Oliver is pretty mobile for his age. He spent all of 2 days crawling, and immediately decided that he was going to cruise around on furniture. Unfortunately, he is not nearly as coordinated as he is daring... he's managed two pretty bad injuries in just a couple weeks. The cage should prevent him from falling into the coffee table... and it would be really efficient if he'd stay in it without screaming. It's tall enough, strong enough, sturdy, and plenty big... but he's just not into being by himself in a cage :\
Anyway! The finale of So You Think You Can Dance is on...which I'm only going to see one hour of because there's a new Criminal Minds at 8. I'm not looking forward to CM because I have a feeling it's going to be very emotional... the last episode was the most depressing thing I've seen in a very long time.
I'm gonna go now... I'm typing faster than I'm thinking and that can lead to a lot of mess in here.